Budget Office


Harris Building

720 Westview Drive, SW
Atlanta, GA 30310

Office Hours: 8:30AM - 5:00PM

The Budget Office is in charge of managing and monitoring the institutional financial resources of the School in order to ensure the availability of operating funds. The office develops and implements the operating and long range budget and financial planning process in accordance with the school's long range strategic plan. The Budget Office also provides support to the executive staff in maximizing the School's use of resources.


Richard Bonsu
Budget Director

Phone: (404) 752-1960 

Larry Davis
Budget Analyst III
Phone: (404 )756-6665
Email: larrydavis@msm.edu

Jawaun McMillion-Hicks
Budget Analyst II

Phone: (404) 752-1665
Email: jmcmillionhicks@msm.edu