
Faculty Resources

The Faculty Affairs and Development Office serves as a resource to faculty with respect to their professional careers at 海角破解版. Faculty Affairs and Development provides handbooks, applications, bylaws, process and procedures and other documents.

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The Faculty Development Program is committed to active learning in a nurturing environment while building confidence and competence in areas of academic medicine including teaching methods, educational theory, grant writing, primary care research, and others.

Join the the Faculty Assembly Group on 海角破解版Connect.

Faculty Workshops

The Modular program is a training option for faculty and other healthcare professionals to develop academic medicine skills.

Non-Faculty Academic

海角破解版offers many non-faculty academic positions from post doctoral fellows to research associates.

Use our Faculty Directory to find contact information for all 海角破解版employees, faculty, non-faculty and staff.

Faculty Highlights

Our esteemed faculty members are constantly earning awards and recognition across the country. Find the latest here.